
The RSPET model consists of two modules, RSPET’s Server and RSPET’s Client module. The first is located at the attacker/PenTester/Auditor’s machine and the later on the target machine(s).


Executing ./ while on the project’s root folder will generate the required certificates and install all needed components through pip.

Of course you can manually install the pip packages required by executing pip2 install Flask flask-cors. Also you can generate your own key-cert set (just name them server.key & server.crt and place them inside the Server folder).


Parameters in [] are optional and in <> are mandatory.

  • [-c #clients, --ip ipToBind, -p portToBind] - Lunch the server.
  • [-c #clients, --ip ipToBind, -p portToBind] - Lunch the server with RESTful WebAPI (no Console).
  • <server_ip> [server_port] - Lunch the client.

Development Deployment

Additionally, RSPET provides a Deployment Tool to assist in Development and Testing. In order to setup the Testing environment and lunch the preferred version along with a few instances of the client run the following from RSPET’s root folder:

  • [-c #clients, --ip ipToBind, -p portToBind, --rest]

In order for the built-in cleanup methods to work correctly, either version of the server has to be terminated correctly (Either provide Quit to the CLI or make a GET request at /rspet/api/v1.0/quit). If for any reason the cleanup methods were omitted (The server was forcefully terminated or the Development Deployment script crashed), manually remove the test/ directory.