Server API

This guide aims to help you utilize RSPET Server’s API to create programs that interface with it. It will focus on the higher level API (as you can also manually create and interface each class on a lower level). Because this API was created with the upcoming RESTful WebAPI in mind it is stateless. This means that the developer will have to deal with the states, although state transitions that would normally take place are exposed through the API.

Using RSPET Server’s API

In order to access RSPET Server’s API you have to include Following this you have to create an instance of the rspet_server.API Class. This will in turn create an instance of the Server class. The previous steps will have a result equal to lunching RSPET’s Server directly from a command line.

API’s Functions

Function Description Arguments Returns
init Called during instance creation max_conns(int), ip(string), port(int) Raises socket.error if there is an error during binding
call_plugin Call a command defined in a plug-in command(string), args(array) Dictionary. Keys : 'transition', 'code', 'sting'
select Manage host selection hosts(array) Dictionary. Keys : 'transition', 'code' and 'sting'
help Return all available Commands, their syntax and their documentation - Dictionary. Command is Key. Unfolds to Dictionary. Keys : 'help', 'syntax', 'states'
refresh Interfaces Server’s clean function. Checks for lost hosts. - -
get_server Return the API’s instance of Serve. Used for lower level interaction. - Instance of Server class
get_hosts Return all available hosts - Dictionary. Host ID is key. Unfolds to Dictionary. Keys : 'ip', 'port', 'version', 'type'

RSPET Server’s ReturnCodes

RSPET’s Server module has a class containing the Return codes that command execution can result in. They are accessible under rspet_server.ReturnCodes.. The Return Codes currently available are the following.

Code Name Value (Int)
OK 0
InvalidSyntax 1
SocketError 2
LocalAccessError 3
RemoteAccessError 4
OutOfScope 5
CommandNotFound 6
InvalidHostID 7

Sample code

Now, let’s have a look at some sample code. Create a new python project in the same directory as (let’s call it

    import rspet_server

    rspet_api = rspet_server.API(5, "", 9000)
    output = rspet_api.call_plugin("help")
    state_transition = output['transition']
    return_code = output['code']
    return_string = output['string']
    if return_code != rspet_server.ReturnCodes.OK:
      print ("Ooops. I've got an error. It says :\n%s" %return_string)
      print return_string

Executing the above code will give us the following output.

    Server commands:
    Quit: Quit the CLI and terminate the server.
    ALL: Select all hosts.
    help: List commands available in current state or provide syntax for a command.
    Choose_Host: Select a single host.
    List_Hosts: List all connected hosts.
    Select: Select multiple hosts.

Now let’s try calling a command that has not been defined (i.e. make a typo).

    import rspet_server

    rspet_api = rspet_server.API(5, "", 9000)
    output = rspet_api.call_plugin("hilp")
    state_transition = output['transition']
    return_code = output['code']
    return_string = output['string']
    if return_code != rspet_server.ReturnCodes.OK:
      print ("Ooops. I've got an error. It says :\n%s" %return_string)
      print return_string

Executing the above will return the following.

    Ooops. I've got an error. It says :
    hilp : No such command.