Code Structure Overview

RSPET’s Server Module

The server module consists of three classes :


The API class acts mostly as an interface class for the Server class. For the time being there are a couple of functions that are completely re-implemented in the API class but this is to be changed.

Instance Attributes Table

Attribute Name Description
server Server. Instance of Server class.

Class Functions Table

Function Name Description
__init__ Start server.
call_plugin Call a Plug-in’s command.
select Interface Server’s select function.
help Return the entirety of RSPET’s help.
refresh Interface Server’s clean function.
get_server Return API’s instance of the Server.
get_hosts Return hosts.
quit Interface Server’s trash function.


The Console class implements the module’s Command Line Interface (CLI) and acts as an interface between the user and the Server class.

Class Attributes Table

Attribute Name Description
prompt String. The command prompt displayed to the user.
states Dictionary. Matching state transition strings to the functions carrying out the transition.
state String. The state module’s CLI is currently in.
quit_signal Boolean. The signal to quit the CLI (and the module itself).

Instance Attributes Table

Attribute Name Description
server Server. Instance of Server class.

Class Functions Table

Function Name Description
__init__ Start server and initialize states.
trash Delete Console.
loop Main CLI loop. Handles user input.
_basic State transition to “basic” state.
_connected State transition to “connected” state.
_multiple State transition to “multiple” state.
_all Interface of _multiple.
_logo Print logo and Authorship/License.


The server class implements the main back-end of the module, managing the server socket, client selections and Plug-ins.

Instance Attributes Table

Attribute Name Description
ip String. The IP Address provided to the module’s socket.
port String. The port provided to the module’s socket.
max_conns Integer. Max simultaneous connections.
sock Socket. The module’s socket.
serial Integer. Used to assign serialized IDs to clients.
quit_signal Boolean. Used to determine when to quit the Server.
hosts Dictionary. All clients connected to the server.
selected List. All clients selected in the current state.
plugins List. All Plug-ins currently loaded.
log_opt List. Letters indicating logging level.

Class Functions Table

Function Name Description
__init__ Initializes attributes, loads Plug-ins and starts listening on socket.
trash Safely closes all sockets.
_log Log event to file.
loop Main server loop for accepting connections. Execute on separate thread.
select Selects given host(s) based on ids.
get_selected Interface function. Return selected hosts.
get_hosts Interface function. Return all hosts.
execute Execute a command on all selected clients.
help Print all the commands available in the current interface allong with their docsting.
clean Remove hosts tagged for deletion and unselect all selected hosts.
quit Interface function. Raise a Quit signal.


Each Instance of the Host Class represents a connected client.

Class Attributes Table

Attribute Name Description
command_dict Dictionary. Translates command strings with serialized client commands.

Instance Attributes Table

Attribute Name Description
deleteme Boolean. Flag marking Instance for deletion.
sock Socket. The socket the client is bound to.
ip String. Client’s IP Address.
port String. Client’s port.
id Integer. A serialized ID.
version String. Version of the RSPET module running on client.
type String. Type of the RSPET module running on client.
systemtype String. Client’s OS info.
hostname String. Client’s hostname.

Class Functions Table

Function Name Description
__init__ Accept the connection and initialize variables.
trash Gracefully delete host.
purge Delete host not so gracefully.
__eq__ Check weather two sockets are the same socket.
send Send message to client.
recv Receive message from client.
~~_enc~~ ~~Obfuscate message (before sending).~~
~~_dec~~ ~~Deobfuscate message (after receiving).~~

RSPET’s Client Module

No content yet. Will update soon.